Oral History Victoria is pleased to announce that four grants of up to $750 each may be awarded to any member, and at least one student member presenting a paper at the 2019 Biennial Oral History Australia Conference, ‘Intimate Stories, Challenging Histories’, 10-13 October 2019 in Brisbane.
Deadline for submissions to present a conference paper is 8 March 2019.
See https://www.oralhistoryaustralia.org.au/2019-conference.html
- must be a member of Oral History Victoria, or become a member before taking up the grant
- must be undertaking research based on or concerning oral history, or demonstrate how you are using oral history as part of a project .
- must attend the 2019 Biennial Oral History Australia Conference in Brisbane
- must be the presenter of a paper accepted for presentation at the conference
Student members in addition
- must be currently enrolled in an honours or post graduate research degree in any discipline
Eligible applications will be assessed on the clarity of their aims and the significance of their paper to oral historians.
Applications must be submitted on the attached form by 15 May 2019.
Download an application form by clicking here.
Please send your application by email with Conference grant 2019 as subject heading (include any attached supporting documents) to contact.oralhistoryvictoria@gmail.com
It is expected that successful applicants will be advised by Friday 31 May 2019