Oral History Tasmania and Oral History Australia today released a Call for Presentations for the upcoming OHA Biennial Conference to be held in Launceston, Tasmania from 14-16 October 2021.
The conference theme is ‘Oral History in Troubling Times: Challenges and Opportunities’.
While we plan to meet in solidarity and optimism for our biennial conference in Tasmania in 2021, if that proves to be impossible due to COVID-19 restrictions we will run our conference online.
![Image depicts service men in uniform one of them holds a speaking trumpet.](https://oralhistoryvictoria.org.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2018/11/SLV-1937-1943-Argus-soldier-uses-megaphone-to-farewell-e1541211459253.jpeg)
Please visit Oral History Australia’s website for more information and details about making a submission: https://www.oralhistoryaustralia.org.au/article/2021-conference-call-for-presentations