New OHV website

Welcome to our new website. We have a fresh look, new photos, new navigation and a responsive design so that you can find the information you need on any device you are using.

This website is integrated with the website of our national body, Oral History Australia (OHA). The multi-site currently comprises OHA, Oral History Victoria and Oral History Western Australia with Oral History Tasmania and Oral History Australia SA/NT soon to come on board.

The advantages of the the multi-site include greater consistency of information across our organisations and an ability to share information across the websites, thus easing the burden on our volunteers.

In general, our national website provides guidance information and a national and international perspective while our state association websites focus on events, training and membership.

Please find below a guide to some key features of the new OHV website. Click on one of these links to take you directly to the relevant section:

Find what you’re looking for with these key tips on navigating our website:

  1. OHV logo – Click on the logo at any time to go back to the home page.
  2. Main menu – Some items on the menu also have drop-downs to related pages.
  3. National menu – Go to another OHA website.
  4. Accessibility tools – Click to find tools to adjust features such as text size, font and contrast.
  5. Search – Type in key words to search the website.
  6. Breadcrumbs – Follow the breadcrumbs to see where you are in the website.

Home page

The home page includes:

  • A prominent ‘Join OHV‘ button – to go directly to our membership page
  • Latest news and upcoming events feeds
  • A button linking you to the guidance section of our national website. This includes information about oral history practice and various guides for practitioners.
  • A box with links to our various social media accounts.
  • Footer with we include an acknowledgment to country and a link to or privacy statement.
Screenshot of website home page.

News and events

The home page features a brief list of recent news and and upcoming events. Clicking on one of the previewed items will take you to the full post.

Note that event listings are colour-coded for location: grey for international, teal for national and gold for OHV. Each state association in the multi-site has its own colour and may post to our events calendar if the event may be of interest to our members.

You can find further information on news and events in the Resources section of the website. In the sub-menu of this section you will find the News archive and full Events calendar including recent past events.

In the News archive you can search for a particular item by month but also by category. For example if you want to find all the recent news items which include a deadline, click on the category ‘Deadlines’.


The training page provides an overview of the range of training activities we provide and includes a link to our events calendar.

The button at the bottom of the section on interstate and national training will take you to the OHA training page, which provides information about tertiary and accredited training in oral history practice.

In the events calendar training events will have the word ‘Training’ at the start of the listing.

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